By Adam Leitman Bailey and Israel Katz One of this century’s most common sources of real estate litigation in the states east of the Mississippi River is easements. In urban areas, entire development projects have been halted as a result of easement agreements, many of them ancient. In our nation’s system of transferring title, in Full Article…
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Correcting the MERS Errors to Establish a Secure, Profitable National Title System, Real Estate Law & Industry Report
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman October 4th, 2011 In Homer’s Odyssey, the protagonist, Odysseus, is called upon to sail his crew through the Straits of Messina, passing between two legendary monsters, Scylla and Charibdis. To avoid one, the only option was to approach the other, risking a horrible death in either instance. Odysseus Full Article…