Adam Leitman Bailey, Dov Treiman, and Danny Ramrattan discuss the limited applicability of usury defenses. They write: “In all, this area of the law is deceptively simple and the resolution of any case will require a close examination of the intricacies of the particular matter.” New York imposes two separate rates for determining usury, a Full Article…
Use Six Arguments to Beat Sanitation Violations
One big headache for many owners is getting hit with violations from the city’s Department of Sanitation (DOS). These violations include not keeping the sidewalk in front of your building clean, not sweeping 18 inches into the street, and not properly maintaining garbage receptacles. And now that DOS has raised the minimum base fine for Full Article…
Use Nine Arguments to Beat DOB Violations, Apartment Law Insider
If you’re like most owners, you’ve probably spent some time at the Environmental Control Board (ECB) fighting violations issued by the Department of Buildings (DOB). And you know it isn’t easy to beat those violations. That’s why it’s important to have as much ammunition as possible, to fight those violations successfully. To help you, ALI Full Article…
How to Handle City-Issued Violation Hearing, Apartment Law Insider
By Adam Leitman Bailey If you get a city issued violation from certain city agencies, such as the Department of Buildings (DOB), the NYC Fire Department, or the NYC Department of Sanitation, and you want to fight it, you’ll need to appear at the Environmental Control Board (ECB) for a hearing. Here’s what you’ll need Full Article…