By Adam Leitman Bailey January 8th, 2018 When an owner evicts a tenant from an apartment, by the end of the process the tenant typically owes the owner some substantial sum of money. While these evictions are usually in the context either of a nonpayment proceeding or a holdover proceeding prosecuted in the New York Full Article…
New Rules of Substantial Rehabilitation to Remove Units from Rent Regulation
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman December 11, 2018 In their Real Estate Trends column, Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman discuss a pair of new decisions from the Appellate Term, First Department which have toughened the standards under which a landlord may claim a substantial rehabilitation exemption from rent stabilization, the effect of Full Article…
Pay When Paid, Limits and Limitations
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman October 10, 2018 Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman discuss “Pay-if-Paid” clauses in construction contracts and write: “Like many jurisdictions across the United States, New York outlaws Pay-If-Paid clauses, but, in New York’s case, only indirectly.” Construction projects entail financial risk—risks for the owners of the property, risks Full Article…
‘Altman’ Alters Vacancy Deregulation
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman May 2, 2018 Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman discuss the recent landmark Housing Court case ‘Altman v. 285 West Fourth LLC’ where the Court of Appeals reversed the Appellate Division, First Department and deregulated thousands of New York City apartments. On April 26, 2018, the Court of Full Article…
The New World of Prescriptive Easement Cases
By Adam Leitman Bailey and John M. Desiderio April 10, 2018 In their Land Use column, Adam Leitman Bailey and John M. Desiderio discuss how New York appellate courts determine whether or not a party is entitled to claim a prescriptive easement over another party’s land, and review a number of recent cases and claims. These Full Article…
Talking Points Against Governmental Takeover of Title Companies and all Small Businesses
By Adam Leitman Bailey Title insurance work is labor intensive Title agencies’ labor-intensive search of the public property records includes the search of tax and judicial records by skilled title examiners that provides homebuyers and lenders the security they need to purchase and transfer real estate. Otherwise, the rampant fraud that exists would reach levels Full Article…
Negotiating RPAPL §881 License Agreements
By Adam Leitman Bailey, John M. Desiderio, and Joanna Peck Feb 20, 2018 Adam Leitman Bailey, John Desiderio, and Joanna Peck discuss practical considerations for parties to consider when negotiating RPAPL §881 licensing agreements, noting that although §881 was once described as a “little-used law” it is now required reading for all attorneys with developer Full Article…
When Can Condo and Co-op Boards Fine the Owners and Residents?
January 30, 2018 By Adam Leitman Bailey and John M. Desiderio Adam Leitman Bailey and John M. Desiderio review the authority given to boards of condominiums and cooperative corporations to impost and enforce respectively on condo unit owners and cooperative shareholder-tenants who violate building house rules. This article will review the authority given to boards Full Article…