By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman Two State laws make a tenant’s illegal use of rented premises a matter of considerable concern to owners. One law empowers local prosecutors to bring eviction proceedings against both the illegally operating tenant and the premises’ owner; the other makes the owner as liable as the tenant for Full Article…
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Lenders can foreclose on properties, even after losing the note
4:57 pm, October 8, 2012 By Adam Leitman Bailey, founding partner, and Jackie Halpern Weinstein, associate, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Prominent real estate attorney Joseph Forte recently wrote about “… the prospect of refinancing nearly $1.8 trillion of existing U.S. commercial real estate debt in the next five years.” In order to complete this task Full Article…
Metz aiming for All-Star status at growing law firm
Profile of the Week Metz aiming for All-Star status at growing law firm Real Estate Weekly, Jan 28, 2009 by Daniel Geiger Jeffrey Metz, a well-known real estate lawyer has joined the law firm Adam Leitman Bailey P.C. Metz had previously worked in the appeals bureau of the firm Borah, Goldstein, Altschuler, Nahins and Goidel, Full Article…
Finding the Uncommon Deal
Friday, April 8, 2011 REVIEWED BY BARBARA JAFFE By Adam Leitman Bailey, Wiley New York, N.Y. 230 pages, $19.95 Although a quick search on yields an abundance of books on how to buy a home, full disclosure, I have not read them. However, only one is authored by real estate attorney Adam Leitman Bailey. Full Article…
The Most Crucial Commercial Lease Cases
By Adam Leitman Bailey & Dov Treiman For almost two years, the attorneys at Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C have been compiling a list of the greatest commercial leasing cases of all time. The authors have always been fans “greatest” lists—there being something special about choosing the best among so many great people, entertainers, athletes, composers, Full Article…
The Brewing MERS Crisis: Everyone Loses
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman In Homer’s Odyssey, the protagonist, Odysseus, is called upon to sail his crew through the Straits of Messina, passing between two legendary monsters, Scylla and Charybdis. To avoid one, the only option was to approach the other, risking a horrible death in either instance. Odysseus was at times Full Article…
Condominium Conversion Reserve Fund Obligations
By Adam Leitman Bailey While sponsors of new construction condominiums have extensive obligations regarding the physical construction of their projects, Sponsors of condominium conversions really only have one material obligation (other than actually converting the form of ownership) — to provide sufficient funds to create reserves for capital repairs, improvements, and replacements required for the Full Article…
Directors and Officers Discrimination Coverage
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Colin E. Kaufman The Appellate Division decision titled Fletcher v. The Dakota Inc. held that the business judgment ruled does not protect individual condominium and cooperative board members from some personal tort liability. This alarming result has caused real estate and insurance attorneys to review directors and officers policies and the law to try Full Article…