By Dov Treiman Q. I moved into an apartment on a one-year lease. Thirty days before the end of my lease, I gave notice to vacate and requested, in writing, the return of my security deposit and interest. I moved out on March 2 and have yet to receive a check or a notice stating Full Article…
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What a Revolting Development
By S. Jhoanna Robledo Published In 2004, Meggan Berley and her husband, empty-nesters in Dobbs Ferry, ditched their longtime rental and bought a new condominium on Spencer Street in Brooklyn. Then the headaches began. On movein day, the floors weren’t finished and the kitchen cabinets had no doors. The Berleys lived amid construction for weeks. Then Full Article…
Q & A: on New York Rent Ruling
By JOSH BARBANEL When the New York State Court of Appeals overturned some rent rules in place for more than nine years on Thursday, the decision opened a window for many market-rate New York City tenants, including some paying some of the highest rents in the country, to roll back rents and get the protections of the Full Article…
Q & A: Free to Go at Lease’s End, the New York Times
By Dov Treiman Q. I don’t plan on renewing the lease on my Manhattan apartment. How much notice am I required to give my landlord?
Q & A: Paying the Bill for Elevator Work, The New York Times
By Dov Treiman Q. Can a landlord who has converted a building to condos pay for an elevator refurbishment through a major capital improvement increase passed along to regulated tenants?
Q & A: What to Expect After Deregulation
Q.My rent-stabilized apartment in New York City has just become deregulated as a result of high rent/high income deregulation. Is the landlord legally required to give me first consideration on a new lease at market rate, and must that new rate be reasonable and legally fair?
Q & A: How to Prepare for a New Landlord, The New York Times
By Dov Treiman Q. The multifamily house that I rent in has been sold. What documentation should be drawn to show that the lease and the security deposit have been transferred? My lease had a two-month deposit requirement.
Understanding, Complying With New Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Rules
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act has governed costs associated with residential mortgage transactions since 1974, but it became the subject of significant controversy as reports surfaced of abuses by lenders and third-party service providers. After many halting attempts to overhaul the RESPA rules, the Department of Housing Full Article…