When a donut shop owner sought Adam Leitman Bailey P.C.’s help after his landlord locked the shop out of its basement storage space, the attorneys at Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. commenced litigation and prevailed over the landlord in less than 48 hours after the initial consultation. An agent of a commercial tenant operating a popular Full Article…
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Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., Successfully Defends Against Niece’s Succession Claim to Regulated Apartment
When an occupant of a governmentally regulated apartment claims succession rights to the apartment, but does not fall into one of the statutorily defined “familial relationships” with the tenant of record, in addition to proving a minimum of two-year’s co-residency, the occupant is required to prove an emotional and financial commitment and interdependence with the Full Article…
Q&A: Landmark View Is Disappearing
By JAY ROMANO February 15th, 2013 Q. My wife and I signed a two-year lease in a condo building in Brooklyn with a great view of a New York landmark. We were wary of some empty lots between the building and the landmark, but were told it would be years before anything started. One week after Full Article…
Mystery Solved: The Eviction of a Restaurant Without Anonymous Owner
A restaurant and bar had not paid rent for over 6 months. A previous eviction attempt had been defeated in court by a tenant who had nothing to defend with other than a host of technical flaws in an earlier case. It was thus apparent that absolutely every detail down to the last comma was Full Article…
Q & A: Maintenance Rises After Units Are Combined
By Jay Romano Q We recently bought a small studio apartment next to our one-bedroom and created a two-bedroom. We are paying maintenance on the two units as if they had never been combined. There is a similar apartment in the building that has fewer shares — and pays less maintenance — for the same-size apartment Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Saves Borrower $23,000.00 in Mortgage Tax
Our firm has recently begun representing a lender based out of Florida State for residential mortgage closings. The first refinance we closed with this new lender was for a $1.2 million dollar mortgage which at the time was held by the same lender. Our firm requested we close this mortgage with a Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement (CEMA). A Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Protects Bank of America in Common Charge Lien Foreclosure Proceeding
In The Board of Managers of House Beautiful Condominium I v. Hong, et. al., Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. successfully protected Bank of America N.A.’s security interest in a premises in Queens, New York, in defeating Plaintiff’s claim that the insured, Bank of America, was not the first mortgagee of record as is defined in § 339-z of Full Article…
Directors and Officers Insurance Does Not Cover Intentional Discrimination
By Adam Leitman Bailey & Colin E. Kaufman In a recent decision that sent shivers of concern across New York co-op and condo boards, the state’s highest court held that the Business Judgment Rule does not protect individual condominium and cooperative board members against some personal liability. In response, real estate and insurance attorneys are reviewing directors and officers (D&O) policies and Full Article…