By JAY ROMANO January 25th, 2013 Q. I have found a great condominium to buy, but it is occupied by a rent-stabilized tenant. The broker says I would need to renew the lease every time the tenant wanted it renewed. I’ve read, though, that if an owner wants to use the unit for himself after purchase, Full Article…
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Manhattan Newly Constructed Condominium Takes Over Sponsor Controlled Board and Receives $450k + Apartment + Significant Construction Work without Judicial Intervention
The unit owners of a 24 unit luxury new construction condominium in Manhattan hired Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. after the unit owners’ complaints and concerns about construction defects were ignored by the sponsor-controlled Board, and demands by the unit owners to the sponsor that the sponsor turn over control of the Board to the residents Full Article…
Q&A: Questions About a Washing Machine
By: Jay Romano January 4th, 2013 Q. I am on the board of a Brooklyn co-op. One of the rent-controlled tenants in the building has had a washing machine in her apartment since she moved in. Such appliances are prohibited by the co-op because of the age of the building’s plumbing system. Can the building require the Full Article…
The Eviction of A Night Club: Using Aggressive Lawyering, Creative Legal Theories and Impressive Evidence Results in Lease Surrender, Money Judgment and Payment of Legal Fees
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.’s (“ALBPC”)’s client, a property owner, was plunged into a case involving a popular night club where two high profile murders occurred while the New York Giants were celebrating their Super Bowl victory and many professional basketball players celebrated the end of the basketball strike. The landlord hired Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Prevails as Second Circuit Upholds Title of Developer That Acquired Property Sold in H.U.D. Auction
Second Circuit Affirms Ruling Where Foreclosure Is Limited to Bidders to Governmental Entities, Local housing fund development corporations (HFDCs) and Lien holders. The U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld the right of a municipal/private development partnership to acquire a low-income apartment complex from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Full Article…
Using the Judicial System to Abate the Foreclosure Crisis
By Adam Leitman Bailey And Rachel Sigmund March 1st, 2013 Adam Leitman Bailey is the principal of Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. in New York, New York. Rachel Sigmund is a third-year law student at the Rutgers University School of Law–Newark. Many stagnant foreclosures in the United States have been stuck in the judicial process for Full Article…
Getting a Brokerage Commission Paid
By: Adam Leitman Bailey & Jeffrey R. Metz February 20th, 2013 Brokers who deal with commercial properties are increasingly being denied their duly earned commissions. Given the multi-million transactions that are often involved in the world of commercial real estate in New York City, these commissions can be considerable and worth fighting over. Many of Full Article…
Advising Boards on Handling Secondhand Smoke Issues
By: Adam Leitman Bailey & John M. Desiderio January 30th, 2013 Some of the most intense combat occurring in modern times may not be that which has taken place on the battlefield, but rather in the ongoing conflicts that occur between shareholders, owners, and renters of apartments in multiple dwelling buildings, between themselves and/or with Full Article…