By Adam Leitman Bailey & Adam Blander September 1st, 2013 Adam Leitman Bailey is the principal of Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., in New York, New York. Adam Blander was a legal intern at Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C., and is now a law clerk for New York Supreme Court Judge Barbara Jaffe. This article discusses the Full Article…
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Using the Judicial System to End the Foreclosure Crisis in New York, New York Law Journal
August 8th, 2012 Standard foreclosure proceedings have been put on pause. This article endeavors to provide instruction on how to cure one of the most frequently stumbled upon legal impediments to litigating these actions—the lost note. Many foreclosure actions are sitting stagnant for months, or even years, as a result of not only a reticent Full Article…
Sandy, One Year Later: Issues Facing Property Owners, New York Law Journal
By Adam Leitman Bailey & Dov Treiman October 9th, 2013 Real estate lawyers have been and will be the leaders of the rebuilding process of our storm-torn city. One of our most important functions is to prepare for the next storm or potential casualty. In order to improve our lawyering it is essential that we Full Article…
Dealing With the Disruptive: How to Handle Problem Residents, The Cooperator
By Maggie Puniewska October 1st, 2013 Living in a condo means putting up with certain occasional inconveniences: that curious odor emanating from the neighbor’s unit, the downstairs saxophone player who practices every Tuesday afternoon, or that one resident that insists at every meeting that the board is spending too much money (even if they are Full Article…
The Consequences of Unpaid Water Bills, The New York Times
April 17th, 2009 Q. I live in a condominium with three units and a single water meter. I have always paid my share of the water and sewer bills for the building, but the other two tenants have not. The city is threatening to place a lien on the building for delinquent water and sewer Full Article…
One Year After Sandy, Owners Still Have Issues, Real Estate Weekly
By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman October 9th, 2013 Real estate lawyers have been and will be the leaders of the rebuilding process of our storm-torn city. One of our most important functions is to prepare for the next storm or potential casualty. In order to improve our skills, it is essential that we learn Full Article…
The Evolution of Rent Stabilization by Ambush, New York Law Journal
July 21st, 2008 Ever since its initial passage in 1969, the entire concept of rent stabilization has been fraught with controversy.1 While public policy experts continue to debate the wisdom of the existence of the entire system, legal experts are left to puzzle out when and where it does and does not apply. The over-arching Full Article…
Who’s in charge when ice is falling?, Real Estate Weekly and Apartment Law Insider
By Adam Leitman Bailey and John M. Desiderio January 28th, 2014 So far this winter, New York City has had two severe snow-falls, with accompanying frigid temperatures, and it appears that this weather pattern is likely to hold through the end of February. As a result, snow and ice is accumulating on the roofs and Full Article…