February 3, 2016 Single-room occupancy housing, or more commonly called SROs, exist throughout New York City. When purchasing such a dwelling without the proper paperwork, you will not be able to obtain a permit to do renovations, a buyer cannot evict the residents who are rent-regulated tenants, and the owner may be required to maintain Full Article…
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Q&A: Navigating the City’s Complex Housing Market
New York Times March 14th, 2015 Death and House Cleaning Q. My mother has lived in a rent-stabilized apartment in a co-op building for 40 years. When she passes away, how many months do her children have to clear out her belongings before the unit must be vacated? Forest Hills, Queens A. You will probably Full Article…
Q&A: On The Loft Law
By: Dov Treiman April 7th, 2015 The Loft Law and several related laws set procedures to protect and preserve residential occupancies in buildings that were originally built for commercial use by ensuring renovations to these buildings to bring them up to the safety standards that are normal in apartment buildings. Not all commercial buildings qualify Full Article…
Q&A: Preferential Rent in J51 Housing
November 4, 2015 Q: In J51 housing, can a preferential rate be adjusted as part of a renewal? A: In J51 buildings for the past 40 years, if the FIRST tenant gets a “preferential” rent, there’s nothing preferential about it. The owner has given up the right to the higher rent forever. Under Rent Stabilization Full Article…
Q&A: Parking Spaces for the Disabled
Q. My question refers to how many handicapped parking spaces must reserved in a particular co-op or a condo. Is there any legal requirement to set aside a certain number of spaces? Must a multiple dwelling with parking spaces used exclusively on an accessory basis by residents of the building set aside handicapped parking spaces Full Article…
Offering Buyouts After NYC’s Anti-Buyout Legislation
By Dov Treiman October 7, 2015 Effective Dec. 2, 2015, there will be several amendments to the NYC Administrative Code with respect to landlords making buyout offers. Some of these amendments will call for changed practices. Others will call for the development of a form. No matter what, landlords are going to have to change Full Article…
How to Revise Governing Documents
November 2015 The board had decided to revise its bylaws and proprietary lease. Now what? It is a familiar story: the co-op corporation’s bylaws and proprietary lease were antiquated. Both documents were poorly drafted, rife with internal inconsistencies and conflicts with current law. There were no longer relevant provisions regarding the original sponsor, and they Full Article…
The Most Significant Title and Foreclosure Cases of 2015
October 14, 2015 By Adam Leitman Bailey and Dov Treiman Since one author, Adam Leitman Bailey, started practicing law 20 years ago, when a terrible court decision without any basis in law would arrive, we would be thankful that the Court of Appeals was in session and had the final word. Those days are gone Full Article…