Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. was able to obtain a possessory judgment against two defendants in an ejectment action involving a widespread fraudulent conspiracy with respect to the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) the Plaintiff Building was partaking in. The Building was developed and financed in order to comply with a Real Estate tax-exemption Full Article…
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Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Obtains Dismissal of an Appeal Challenging the Entry of a Judgment Quieting Title
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. was retained by a property owner who obtained quiet title to a contested property to defend against an appeal brought by the common-law wife of the deceased owner. The judgment was granted in favor of the client due to a series of defaults committed by the wife, including failing to oppose Full Article…
Now Could be a Good Time to Refinance
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C.’s banking department has been busy serving both our lender and borrower clients with refinancing and purchase closings consisting of rates downward of 3%. This drop in mortgage rates was a tremendous help to both homeowners who needed to lower their interest rates and purchaser’s Full Article…
Miracle Lawyering, Strategizing And A Bit Of Luck Allows Client To Buy Dream Home After It Being In Probate And No Contract Signed While Being Sued By Purchaser of Existing Home For Damages, Breach of contract And Failing To Close
The client came to Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. in an impossible situation. The client’s wife was 7th months pregnant during the height of COVID. She was not moving and the client’s dream home was not only not for sale but in probate without any indication as to who had the authority to sell. To make Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Expeditiously Evicts Tenant in a Nonpayment Proceeding Seeking Arrears not Covered by ERAP
According to the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, a landlord who accepts funds from New York State’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is prohibited from evicting a tenant for not paying rent during the period covered or for an expired lease during the 12 months following the receipt of such payment. While many tenants Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey P.C. Wins DHCR Proceeding Permitting Landlord to Decommission Rent Stabilized Tenant’s Fireplace
Representing a Manhattan landlord at the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. obtained an order allowing the landlord to permanently decommission a residential rent-stabilized tenant’s fireplace in connection with the landlord’s construction of additional floors in the building. As a result of the landlord’s construction and the addition of several Full Article…
Adam Leitman Bailey, P.C. Springs Four Family Transaction to Finish Line
In early March 2022, two parties executed a contract of sale for a four-family property in Brooklyn. The property contained tenants with expiring leases, an expired access agreement, and a myriad of title clearance issues. After the expiration of the closing period, with no inclination that Purchasers would close, the Sellers realized that they needed Full Article…
Rules on Partitioning Ownership Property Rights
Whether a property owned by two or more tenants-in-common can be partitioned “in kind,” i.e., by physically dividing the real estate or other property interest, or by subjecting it to a judicial sale, or even whether the property may be subject to partition at all, are issues that courts must decide when the property’s majority and Full Article…